Inspection Details

On the Inspection Details page, accessible from Procurement -> Inspections, it is possible to enter the results of the quality inspection of incoming goods and see the results of preformed inspections.

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Inspection of Lot

When you open an inspection with the status “New” from Procurement -> Inspections then the view "Inspection of lot" opens, where is possible to enter the results of quality inspection of incoming goods or manufactured products.

Jump to inspection for items:

Performing inspection for items without serial numbers:
  1. Open the line with status "New" at Procurement -> Inspections.
  2. Enter the approved quantity.
    • To reject the whole lot, enter the approved quantity as 0.
  3. In the "Rejections" section:
    • If only a part of the items in the lot failed inspection, you can enter notes individually for every item.
    • A new line will be generated automatically as soon as you fill in the last empty line.
  4. Add a note to the "Notes" section. Attach pictures or files if necessary.
  5. To save the inspection results, click "Approve/Reject".
    • Note that the approved quantity of a saved inspection is not editable!
  6. As a result:
    • The approved quantity will be taken into stock.
    • The rejected quantity will be given a new stock lot with the status "Rejected", and these will be unavailable for use. Their bookings will be canceled. These can be either repaired or written off.
Performing inspection for items with serial numbers:

If the item has serial numbers, you must enter the serial number and fill in the reason for rejection.

  1. Open the line with status "New" at Procurement -> Inspections.
  2. In the "Rejections" section, you must enter the serial numbers which failed inspection.
    • Here you are able to write a reason failure for each serial number separately.
    • A new line will be generated automatically as soon as you fill in the last empty line.
  3. The “Approved quantity” will automatically show the resulting number of good items.
    • Approved quantity = Lot quantity - Rejected quantity
  4. Add a note to the "Notes" section. Attach pictures or files if necessary.
  5. To save the inspection results, click "Approve/Reject".
    • Note that the approved quantity of a saved inspection is not editable!
  6. As a result:
    • The approved quantity will be taken into stock.
    • The rejected quantity will be given a new stock lot with the status "Rejected", and these will be unavailable for use. Their bookings will be canceled. These can be either repaired or written off.

Inspection results

You can see the result of each performed inspection at Procurement -> Inspections by looking up inspections with the status "Done".

This page reflects the results of the inspection. It is possible to edit the notes, attached files, and reasons for rejection, but not the approved quantity.

You can print a PDF with the inspection results.

Inspection details PDF

The inspection details PDF includes the results of the inspection. It can be edited with the PDF editor.

By default, the following information is displayed:

  • Date of inspection.
  • Inspected lot number.
  • Inspected item.
  • Inspected item quantity.
  • Inspector name.
  • List of attached files names.
  • Rejected items with serial numbers (if exist) and notes.
  • Subtotal for rejected items.
  • Rejected lot number.
  • Approved items with serial numbers (if exist) and notes.
  • Subtotal for approved items.
  • Footer with the Notes section.
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