Manufacturing Order Details For Worker

This page is a detailed production reporting view for the worker. The page is accessible from:

  1. My production plan section when opening a Manufacturing Order details.
  2. Production planning -> Manufacturing orders -> MO details by pressing Go to production.

Jump to:

  1. Starting and finishing:
    1. Start, pause, and finish time.
    2. Finish a Manufacturing Order.
  2. Quantity of processed products:
    1. Product quantity.
    2. Over- or underproduction.
    3. Scrapped products.
    4. Packed products ("Packing" functionality).
    5. Serial numbers for manufactured items.
  3. Used materials:
    1. Materials consumption.
    2. Adding materials to the MO.
    3. Scrapped parts, wastage.
    4. Used bulk packages ("Packing" functionality).
    5. Serial numbers of used components.
  4. Visibility of other operations.

Recording the progress of operations

  1. Scroll down to the Operations section and find the operation line.
  2. Press Start Start to start work.
  3. Press Pause Pause if the operation is stopped, but it is not finished yet.
  4. Press Finish Finish when the operation is fully completed.

The button press times are recorded and accordingly, the actual labor hours are calculated.

Finishing the Manufacturing Order

  1. Finish all operations.
  2. Press Finish production on top of the page.
    • If all parts have been consumed, the system will mark the manufacturing order as done.
    • If some parts have not been consumed, then two options will be presented:
      Consume all – consume all booked parts.
      Release unused – bookings will be canceled. A note will be added to the MO stating the difference between planned vs reported materials.
      After making a decision, press Finish production again.

Reporting the number of processed products

  1. Start an operation.
  2. When you press the Pause Pause or the Finish Finish button the software will ask you how many items were completed from the last start.
  3. Enter the quantity.
    • If the operation has been stopped several times, make sure to enter the quantity from the last start.
    • If there are additional or side-products defined in the BOM, also report the quantities of these that should be placed in stock.

Reporting over- or underproduction:

  • Enter the actual quantity of products, when asked.
  • If the reported quantity of the final operation differs from the initially planned quantity, the software will display a confirmation dialogue. If confirmed, the quantity of the MO is updated.
  • The MO quantity can also be updated by the production manager at any time.
  • See also: Sub-assembly overproduction in a multi-level MO.

Reporting used materials

Materials consumption can be reported in bulk while finishing the Manufacturing Order.

To report materials consumption individually:

  1. Press Consume Consume next to the part.
    • Or scan the item or stock lot barcode.
  2. Enter the number of used parts.
    • If the quantity is greater than what is booked, extra will be taken from stock.
    • To undo consumption, enter the quantity with a negative (-) number.

To report materials consumption in bulk, according to the number of finished goods:

  1. Press Consume parts for end-products above the materials table.
  2. Enter the number of finished goods.
    • The software consumes all booked parts proportionally. 
      Consumed quantity = Entered quantity x (Booked quantity / MO planned quantity)
    • When the "Packing" functionality is used, the packaging will not be consumed automatically. It must be consumed manually.

Adding materials to the MO

If some additional part, that was not on the list of materials, has been used:

  1. Press the Add a booking (+) on the top right corner of the Parts list.
  2. Select the part.
  3. Enter the quantity.
    • If Tracing is enabled, you will see a list of available stock lots to choose from.
      Enter the desired quantity next to each stock lot you wish to book.

If Tracing is enabled and you want to book materials from a specific stock lot:

  1. Press the Increase booking (+) on the material's line.
  2. You will see a list of available stock lots to choose from.
  3. Enter the desired quantity next to each stock lot you wish to book.
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