Production Reporting - For Worker

There are two alternative views which the worker can use to see his/her jobs and report progress:

  1. My production plan - a full-functionality view, intended to be accessed by a computer or a large screen tablet.
  2. The Internet-kiosk - a simpler view, intended to be used on a smartphone or a tablet.

My production plan is an advanced mode that shows the worker's schedule as a calendar, provides all details of manufacturing orders and allows more precise reporting.

Internet-kiosk is a mode that is optimized for reporting using portable devices. It shows a list of manufacturing operations that are assigned to the worker and allows to report the progress of the manufacturing order.

Frequently asked questions

Assigning operations to workers:

  1. How to assign an operation to a worker? How to set default workers?
  2. How to re-assign a worker in a MO?
  3. How to edit an operation, e.g. to fix input mistakes?
  4. How to print the worksheet (job traveler, job sheet)?
  5. What is a Department?
  6. How to plan works by departments? How to assign operations to departments?

Reporting in the My production plan:

  1. Demo video: Real-time production reporting by workers.
  2. Where and how to report production operations?
  3. What is My production plan?
  4. How to report operations in My production plan?
  5. How to report used materials?
  6. How to finalize a Manufacturing Order?
  7. How to report serial numbers?
  8. How to change the visibility of other operations?
  9. How to report if the final MO quantity changes while the production is in progress?
  10. Report scrap, wastage.
  11. Demo video: How to use the "My Production Plan".

Reporting in the Internet-kiosk:

  1. Demo video: Real-time production reporting by workers.
  2. Where and how to report production operations?
  3. What is Internet-kiosk?
  4. How to access the Internet-kiosk?
  5. How to report operations in Internet-kiosk?
  6. How to report materials?
  7. How to finalize the manufacturing order?
  8. How to report serial numbers?
  9. How to access attachments (advanced mode)?
  10. How to use one device by many workers for access and reporting?
  11. How to report if the final MO quantity changes while the production is in progress?
  12. Report scrap, wastage.

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