Summary Reports on All Workstations

All workstations have a number of statistical reports, summarized reports overall workstations can be accessed from Production planning -> Workstations by clicking on All workstations summary reports.

Jump to report:

  1. Calendar - calendar overview of the master production schedule colored by workstations.
  2. All production operations - list of operations assigned to all workstations.
  3. Execution - operations currently in progress or paused.
  4. MOs ready for operation - Manufacturing Orders on hold waiting for a workstation.
  5. Equipment usage chart - loading information on workstations.
  6. Overall equipment effectiveness - statistical indicators of performance.

Report “Calendar”

The report shows the calendar (month, week or day) of all production operations colored by the workstation.

Clicking the Choose options allows choosing which information to display on the calendar. 

The backdrop color indicates the different workstation groups. The color can be set in the workstation type's details at Production planning -> Workstation groups.

The text color indicates the status of parts availability:

  • Not booked - all required parts are not booked;
  • Delayed - all parts are booked and ordered. some parts will become available after the planned start time of the manufacturing order;
  • Expected - all parts are booked and ordered. Some parts have not yet been received but will arrive according to the schedule;
  • Received - all parts are booked and in stock.

Report “All production operations”

The report displays a list of scheduled and active production operations, grouped by workstation groups and workstations. The list can be filtered by planned start time.

The maximum report period is one month.

Report “Execution”

The report shows the list of active manufacturing operations and their progress in real time. Only the operations which are currently in production or paused are shown.

Report “MOs Ready for Operation”

The report shows the list of manufacturing orders that are waiting for some workstation to start. These operations are ready to be started, but on hold, waiting for the operator to start.

For seeing the list of manufacturing orders which are in the queue of a workstation:

  1. Choose a workstation type or a subcontractor (if Subcontractors is enabled).
  2. The software shows manufacturing orders where all previous operations are finished, but operation at particular workstation group is not started, or purchase order for the subcontractor is not created.

Report “Equipment usage chart”

The report shows the loading of workstations over time as a line graph. The vertical axis of the graph can be set to either percentage or hours.

Report “Overall equipment effectiveness”

This report shows overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of the workstation during the period. 

OEE is calculated in real time when manufacturing operations are performed.

For calculating OEE for past periods, select the desired period (up to 1 month long) and click Calculate button.

OEE shows how well a manufacturing unit performs. OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality, where

  1. Availability represents the percentage of real run time compared to the planned time.
    - Availability = reported run time / planned time
    - If work has reportedly taken more time than planned then Availability can go over 100% (marked with red). If this happens often, it may mean that routing should be adjusted and cycle time should be increased.
    - If Availability is greater than 100%, a value of 100% is used when calculating the OEE.
  2. Performance represents the speed at which the workstation runs as a percentage of its designed speed. 
    - Performance = (number of items produced * cycle time from the routing) / reported run time
    - If the cycle time in the routing is too long, then performance may go over 100% (marked with red). If this happens often, it may mean that routing should be adjusted and cycle time should be reduced.
    - If performance is greater than 100%, a value of 100% is used when calculating the OEE.
  3. Quality represents the good items produced as a percentage of the total items produced.
    - If the function Quality Control is used, then Quality = number of approved items / total number of produced items. 
    - If the Quality Control functionality is not used, then Quality = 100%.

Total effective equipment performance (TEEP) measures OEE against calendar hours, indicating how much more effectively could production perform if machines would be loaded 24 hours every day.

  • TEEP = total planned time / (time horizon in days * 24 * 60) * OEE
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