
The Stock -> Shipments section contains a list of all shipments to customers or subcontractors, both planned and shipped.

Use the tab menu above the table to see a list of "Shipments" or "Items".

Jump to:

  1. Creating Shipments.
  2. Picking and shipping.
  3. Waybill, a Picking list, a Packing list.
  4. Shipped serial numbers.
  5. Shipment statuses.
  6. Edit document PDFs.

Creating shipments

New Shipments can be initiated from several pages:

  1. Section CRM -> Customer Orders -> In an order's details, at the Shipments section, for sending products to the customers. 
  2. Section Stock -> Shipments, for sending products to customers.
    • The Customer Orders must be created.
    • If Tracing is enabled, then the products must be booked to COs first.
  3. Section Procurement -> Purchase Orders -> In an order's details, at the Shipments section, for free issuing stock to subcontractors.
  4. Section CRM -> RMAs -> In an order's details, at the Shipments section, for sending returned products back to the customer.

Shipment Statuses

Status shows the progress of a shipment.

The following statuses are available:

  1. New - the shipment is planned. This status is assigned automatically.
  2. Ready for Shipment - this status shows that all products are ready in stock. They can be shipped to the customer. This status is assigned automatically.
  3. Shipped - this status shows that all products have been shipped. This status is assigned automatically.
  4. Canceled - shipment is canceled. This status is assigned when the user deletes the shipment or sets it's status manually to cancel.
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