Software Settings

The Settings -> System settings -> Software settings page allows you to set preferences that affect the software's behavior.

Demo video: Software settings.

The following settings can be set from this page:

  1. Edit mode - whether documents can be edited immediately after opening or require clicking the "Edit" button. 
  2. Worker sees in "My production plan" - visibility settings of other operations for the worker in "My production plan".
  3. Worker sees in Internet-kiosk - visibility settings of scheduled operations for the worker in Internet-kiosk.
  4. Different tax rates - the possibility of setting the tax rate for every item on an invoice.
  5. Advanced Internet-kiosk - option to show more information in the Internet-kiosk.
  6. Backward scheduling - backward scheduling for just-in-time delivery when automatically scheduling from a Customer Order.
  7. Flexible CO quantity - if a Manufacturing Order (MO) was automatically created from a Customer Order (i.e., make-to-order), then the Customer Order quantity will be updated if the final MO quantity changes.
  8. Materials requisition - the ability to create materials requisition PDF in manufacturing order details.
  9. Several invoices per PO - the ability to create several incoming invoices per purchase order.
  10. Update purchase terms from PO – the ability to enable/disable automatic updating of an item’s price in its purchase terms when it is edited in a purchase order.
  11. MO partial completion - the ability to put ready products into stock in a partially completed MO when the last operation is paused.
  12. Use planned goods - the ability to consume parts with statuses ‘Planned’ and 'On hold' in manufacturing orders and pick planned parts for shipments and transfer orders.
  13. Decimal places - the ability to set the number of decimal places in price fields.
  14. Update currency rates - if turned ON, the software will update currency rates automatically each night.
  15. Tracing - when tracing is disabled, available items are booked into orders based on the FIFO method fully automatically by the system in the background.
    When enabled, bookings and stock lots are managed manually by the user, enabling stock lot tracking and tracing.

Edit mode

By default, the Edit mode is turned off, meaning all documents are editable immediately when opened.

Enabling Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Edit mode forces the user to click the Edit button in a document if the user wishes to update it.

If several users try to edit the same data simultaneously, they may overwrite each other’s changes. Turning this setting on locks the document for whoever opened its Edit mode first, thereby solving the problem.

Read also: What is the lock handler?

Worker sees in "My production plan"

The Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings ->  Worker sees in "My production plan" allows choosing which operations from a Manufacturing Order are visible for the worker when looking at a Manufacturing Order in the "My production plan" section.

The worker can either see:

  1. All operations from a Manufacturing Order, where the worker has an operation to perform.
  2. The worker's operations plus the previous and the next.
  3. The worker's operations only.

If it is a multi-level manufacturing order:

  • According to visibility restrictions, only the operation(s) and materials of the concerned assemblies are seen. For example, if the worker can only see one operation (his own), only the materials of this assembly are seen.
  • If the user has access rights to Production planning and Workstations, the user will see all operations and materials in the Manufacturing Order, regardless of this setting.

Worker sees in Internet-kiosk

The Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings ->  Worker sees in Internet-Kiosk allows choosing which scheduled operations are visible for the worker in the Internet-Kiosk.

The worker can either see:

  • All operations that are scheduled for this worker.
  • Ready for execution - operations are displayed only when all previous operations in that MO are finished.

Advanced Internet-kiosk

When the setting Settings -> System Settings -> Software Settings -> Advanced Internet-kiosk is turned on, then the internet-kiosk displays more information than by default.

When this setting is turned on, then the user can:

  • see parts and materials,
  • see attached files,
  • report serial numbers of used parts and ready products.

By default, only the required quantity is shown for parts. In this setting, other columns can be enabled:

  • stock lot,
  • storage location.

Different Tax Rates

If the Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Different tax rates option is turned on, a separate tax rate can be set for every product on an invoice.

Additionally, it is possible to define:

  • A default tax rate for each customer at CRM -> Customers -> A customer's details page.
  • A default tax rate for each item at Stock -> Items -> An item's details page.

If an invoice is created, the following tax rate will be used:

  1. The customer's custom tax rate.
  2. If the above is not defined, the item's custom tax rate.
  3. If the above is not defined, the tax rate from Settings -> System settings -> Company details.

Backward scheduling

When booking products for a customer order, the software can automatically create manufacturing orders for missing products from the stock.

Turning the Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Backward scheduling setting on enables backward scheduling for just-in-time delivery, according to the Customer Order's delivery date, when automatically scheduling Manufacturing Orders from a Customer Order.

  • The scheduling considers other operations and the planned idle times for machines. The item must have a Bill of Materials and a Routing to use automatic scheduling.
  • By default, the software schedules the Manufacturing Order to the first available time, which is called Forward planning.
  • The software allows backward scheduling when using the Enterprise pricing plan: when you set the Delivery date, the software will try to find the latest possible time to finish Just-In-Time before the Delivery date.

Flexible CO quantity

When booking products for a customer order, the software can automatically create manufacturing orders for missing products from the stock.

If the Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Flexible CO quantity option is turned on and a manufacturing order, which was created automatically, is finished with a different quantity, the quantity in the customer order will be updated.

Materials requisition

When the Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Materials requisition option is turned ON, the Materials requisition PDF can be created:

  • for the entire manufacturing order (the button Materials Requisition on the right top corner of the MO details page);
  • for each sub-assembly in multi-level manufacturing order (buttons Materials requisition near each sub-assembly on the MO details page);
  • for several manufacturing orders in bulk from the Production planning -> Manufacturing orders list view (select several lines and press the printer icon on the top right of the list).

The Materials requisition sheet layout can be configured in the PDF Editor.

To prepare the Combined materials requisition list, select the desired MOs by checking the appropriate checkboxes in the MO list and clicking the printer icon on top. The system will create the PDF with the combined requisition list.

After the materials are consumed, the specifics of their lots are replaced with the status “Issued” in the Materials requisition PDF.

Several invoices per PO

By default, one purchase order can be associated with only one incoming invoice. Changing the Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Several invoices per PO to Yes allows entering several invoices per purchase order.

Generally, the "Several invoices per PO = Yes" functionality is intended to be used:

  • when there are several invoices per one PO. I.e. there are several different Invoice IDs.
  • when there may be an additional invoice from another company, e.g. the delivery company.

After enabling this functionality:

  • The Invoices section appears at the bottom of the PO.
  • Additional fees are entered into invoices.
  • Payments are entered into invoices.
  • An invoice from another vendor (e.g., additional freight fees) can be added to the PO.

If the option Separate invoices and deliveries is "Yes," then the Deliveries section appears at the bottom of the PO. The delivery must be entered to receive the goods into stock.

If the option Separate invoices and deliveries is "No," then the invoice must be entered for receiving the goods into stock.

After enabling this Several invoices per PO functionality, it is not possible to add several invoices to pre-existing POs if they already:

  • have an invoice number,
  • have payments entered,
  • have been received, fully or partially.

Update purchase terms from PO

By default, the software updates the item’s price in purchase terms when a purchase order (PO) with a different price is saved.

The Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Update purchase terms from PO setting allows you to disable the default behavior.

To disable this functionality so purchase terms will not be automatically updated, select the value No.

MO partial completion

When the setting Settings -> System Settings -> Software Settings -> MO partial completion is enabled, products reported by a worker when pausing or finishing the last operation of an MO are immediately received into stock.

Each time a worker reports the results of the last operation, a separate stock lot is created and marked as Received (or On-hold if Quality Control is enabled). These products can be shipped to customers or used in other processes.

Please note that:

  1. While the MO is not yet completed, the cost of the earlier completed products is likely to change when further actions are performed with the MO.
    • If any input (materials, overhead, or labor) or output (final quantity of products, additional products) changes, then the product cost will change because manufacturing costs in the MO are divided equally among all produced items (the unit cost is the same in all target lots).
    • If you use the Standard Accounting module - when MO partial completion is allowed, in progress (not finished) MOs that were started before the “Books closing date” can be updated freely.
  2. Changing this setting does not affect existing MOs; they cannot be partially completed. An MO is created according to the setting at the time of its creation.
  3. Even if you enabled the ”Use Planned Goods” setting, not-ready products from MOs created with this option cannot be consumed until they are received in stock.

Use planned goods

By default, the software allows the use of stock items in the status Planned or On hold. These items can be consumed in manufacturing orders or picked in shipments and transfer orders. See also: What are the stock lot statuses?

The Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Use planned goods setting allows you to deny using the planned goods.

To disable this functionality and deny consumption or pick up planned goods, select value No.

The benefit of having this setting enabled is the following:

  • If someone forgets to report a PO received or a finished MO, the next person can still record their actions. For example, the parts can be consumed in MOs or shipped to customers.

If this setting is enabled, you should be aware of the following:

  1. When planned goods are used, then when goods are finally received (e.g. PO is received, MO is finished), the financial transactions of usage of goods are done only retrospectively.
    • Initially, the cost of all planned goods used is considered to be 0.
    • Once the products are finally received, the movements appear in the Stock -> Stock movements reports.
      • The transactions are backdated according to the date these were reported.
    • Once the products are finally received, financial transactions are updated in the Accounting module.
      • When the user action is initially saved, a transaction with 0 value is recorded for that date because the items are not in stock.
      • Once items are received, then that value is updated. If books are closed, this action is blocked.
    • If you use accounting integrations with balance synchronization, as MRPeasy does not post backdated journals, the transactions are posted as "adjustments to previous periods" with the value date of when the synchronization takes place.
  2. If you do not physically track stock lots and record this information in MRPeasy, you may experience situations, e.g., where items from the MO or PO (their target stock lot) are consumed while the PO is actually not even physically received, and you are unable to edit the quantity of the MO or PO or cancel it.

Decimal places

The Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Decimal places settings allow changing the number of decimal places used for unit, subtotal, and total prices in CRM, Procurement, Stock, and Production planning modules.

By default,

  • prices have two decimal places,
  • except the price per unit in the CRM and procurement sections. These prices can have four decimal places.

No rounding is performed for numbers smaller than 0.1, and they are displayed based on the full internal precision, that is, 10 decimal digits.

General rounding rules

With the above exception, MRPeasy uses a uniform rounding approach almost everywhere around the system:

  • Numbers above 0.1 are rounded to show 2 decimal digits.
  • Numbers below 0.1 are not rounded and are shown with all available decimal digits (up to 10).

Update currency rates

MRPeasy allows you to add additional currencies to your account. By default, the currency rate you entered is not updated automatically. To enable automatic updates, change the value of Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Update currency rates to Yes.

This function requires that all currencies are defined as 3-letter codes according to international standards (USD, GBP, AUD, EUR, etc.). See: provides the real-time rates. The rates are mid-market rates derived from the midpoint between the "buy" and "sell" transactional rates in global currency markets. 


The Tracing functionality enables precise tracking of goods and materials by stock lots throughout the purchase, production, and distribution processes.


  • Some automatic actions may happen immediately after Tracing is turned off.
  • You are advised to download a database backup before changing the settings.

   Tracing turned off

  1. Available goods are automatically distributed among orders where they are needed.
    • Part/product statuses of orders are calculated based on the availability of items prioritized by the required date of each item.
    • Anytime the availability of goods or demand for them changes, this process is carried out in the background.
  2. Items can be consumed (picked) from all stock.
    • When an item is consumed (picked), the stock lot is chosen according to the FIFO principle.
    • The user is never asked to, and neither cannot select a stock lot.
  3. Customer Orders:
    • Customer Order status must be Confirmed to generate demand and automatically book goods for them.
    • Customer Orders without delivery dates are prioritized before orders with delivery dates.
    • Orders with an earlier delivery date are before orders with a later delivery date.
  4. Manufacturing Orders are prioritized according to the start date.

   Tracing turned on

  1. Goods for an order are booked (reserved) from specific stock lots.
    • Existing bookings can only be manually changed by the user’s actions.
    • If the availability of goods, demand, or the order of consumption changes, the user must change the bookings manually.
    • It is possible to reserve specific goods for a specific order, they cannot be used for any other purpose.
    • Part statuses of orders are calculated based on the allocated stock lots.
  2. Items can only be consumed (picked) from the booked stock lot.
    • The user can keep track of physical goods by labeling them with stock lot numbers and keeping track of which were used in which orders.
  3. Customer Orders:
    • Goods must be booked via the Check Stock and Book Items function.
    • Stock lots are shown in Shipments and can be shown on shipping documents.
  4. Manufacturing Orders:
    • Stock lots are shown line-by-line in the Parts section and can be managed individually.
    • Bulk actions are available for unbooking/booking materials for a single MO and rebooking all materials to planned MOs according to FIFO.

Expiry date and Quality control functions require Tracing turned on.

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