Expiry Date

The Expiry date functionality allows tracking expiry dates and setting shelf life for the stock lots of parts, ingredients, and finished products.

Please note that the Expiry Date functionality requires Tracing to be enabled.

Jump to:

  1. Demo video: Expiry date.
  2. Enabling Expiry dates functionality.
  3. Automatic calculation of the expiry date.
  4. Manually setting the expiry date.
  5. Using expired goods.
  6. The expiry date of kits/bundles.
  7. Transferring items with expiry dates.

Enabling Expiry dates functionality

This functionality can be enabled at Settings -> System settings -> Professional functions -> Expiry dates.

When it is enabled, then:

  1. The "Expiry date" field is available for stock lots (at Stock -> Stock lots). This field can be manually updated.
  2. Default "Shelf life" in days can be set for items in the item's details page (at Stock -> Items).
  3. Expired items are ignored when the software automatically creates bookings.
  4. Automatically created bookings for materials and products are based on FEFO (First Expired, First Out), i.e. items that will expire earlier will be used before items that expire later.
  5. The "Expire in 30 days" indicator will become available on the Dashboard, which will provide a report of all lots that will expire in 30 days.

Automatic calculation of expiry date

When purchase orders or manufacturing orders are created, the software tries to automatically estimate the expiry date by adding the Shelf life of the item to the date when this product is received in the stock, i.e Expiry date = Available date + Shelf life.

Manually setting the Expiry date

The Expiry date can be set for each stock lot at Stock -> Stock lots in the stock lot's details.

If a stock lot does not expire, leave this field empty.

Using expired goods

The software does not automatically book expired items, but it is possible to manually book expired items, use these in production, or ship them to the customers.

If a product has expired and is going to be shipped, then when picking the item for shipment, the software will issue a warning to the user.

Expiry date of kits / bundles

The expiry date of a kit is calculated automatically. It is equal to the earliest expiry date of products in that kit. To change the expiry date of the kit, please change the expiry dates of the contained products.

Transfer orders and expiry dates

When making a transfer order between sites:

  • If the source stock lot has an expiry date set, then it will be copied to the target stock lot.
  • Changing the expiry date in the initial stock lot updates the expiry date in the target stock lot also.
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