External files

MRPeasy allows attaching files to various documents and objects from external cloud storage.

The files could be used for

  • displaying the company logo on documents,
  • attaching drawings and images to items, which can be viewed from the MRPeasy screen by the worker,
  • attaching certificates to stock lots,
  • attaching work instructions to routings,
  • etc.

The following external storage solutions are supported for adding documents and attachments:

Jump to:

  1. Document system in MRPeasy, attaching files.
  2. Preview images, PDFs and CAD models inside MRPeasy.
  3. Add your company logo to documents.
  4. Attachments to items.
  5. Item icons.
  6. Automatically add item files to Purchase Order PDFs.
  7. Can another user access what I have on my Google Drive / OneDrive / Dropbox?

Document system, attaching files

Links to files could be attached to stock items, stock lots, shipments, transfer orders, write-offs, customers, customer notes, customer orders (COs), customer returns (RMAs), manufacturing orders (MOs), workstations, workstation groups, bills of materials (BOMs), routings, vendors, purchase orders (POs), QC inspections, incoming invoices, and deliveries.

For attaching a file:

  1. Open the document you wish to add the file to.
  2. In the Files section, press the button of the respective service/method: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or Direct link.
  3. For cloud services:
    3.1. Log in to the cloud hosting service, if you haven't done so earlier.
    3.2. Choose the file.
    3.3. Confirm.
  4. Click Save in MRPeasy.

Previewing images, PDFs, and CAD files

If images  (PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, WEBP) or PDFs are attached:

  • a button "Show images" is displayed on the right side of the screen.
  • When this button is clicked, an area with attached images is expanded. This area can be moved to a new location or resized by dragging the borders. The last setting for displaying images will be saved and used for the same user.

Viewing 3D CAD models inside MRPeasy:

  • 3D models are displayed in MRPeasy if the attached models are in Collada (.DAE) or XML3D format and if your browser supports WebGL (Google Chrome, probably Safari and Internet Explorer 11, and maybe Firefox).
  • Most 3D CAD software packages can export models to Collada format.

Attachments to items

You can attach files (e.g. documents, drawings, specifications) to items, which can be accessed from various locations inside the software (e.g. in Manufacturing Orders, in My Production Plan, or Internet kiosk).

For attaching documents to items:

  1. Upload it to cloud storage, or your local file server.
  2. Attach it to the item at Stock -> Items -> Item details in the Files section.
  3. Optionally, mark checkboxes for the following options:

Stock item icons

Stock item icons can be displayed:

  1. In the list of items at Stock -> Items. Add the column Icon to the table to see icons.
  2. When selecting items (e.g. when adding items to COs or POs). When an item selection drop-down menu is opened, the icon is displayed when hovering the cursor over an item.
  3. In PDFs: Quotation, Invoice, Order confirmation, Prepayment Invoice. Use the PDF editor to enable icons in the layouts of the documents.
  4. In the Customer Portal, as an image of an item for sale.
    Icons for the Customer Portal can be added from OneDrive and Dropbox integrations, or as Direct links.
    Icons stored in Google Drive will not be visible in the Customer Portal. 

To add an icon to an item:

  1. Attach an image to a stock item.
    • The file must be publicly shared.
    • GIF, JPEG, or PNG up to 50 KB.
    • The preferred size of the file is 160x120 px for the best visual and printing quality.
  2. For this file, check the Icon checkbox.

The size of the icon on the screen and PDF is 9x7 mm. 

Attaching files to Purchase Order PDFs

The files attached to stock items can be automatically added as links to Purchase Orders PDFs. To set this up:

  1. Attach a file to the item.
  2. Check the PO checkbox for the file.

File hosting

Jump to:

  1. Dropbox.
  2. Google Drive.
  3. Microsoft OneDrive.
  4. Direct link (URL) from any file hosting service (e.g. a local fileserver).
  5. Can another user access what I have on my Google Drive / OneDrive / Dropbox?

Dropbox integration

Dropbox is a very convenient way for synchronizing your files between multiple devices while also keeping these in cloud storage. To attach files from Dropbox, first create an account at Dropbox. Dropbox software can be installed on your computer, but it is not required.

Google Drive integration

Google Drive is a very convenient way to synchronize your files between multiple devices while also keeping these in cloud storage. To attach files from Google Drive, first create an account at Google. Google Drive software can be installed on your computer, but it is not required.

The integration with Google Drive can be configured at Settings -> System Settings -> Integrations -> Google Drive.

For the connection between MRPeasy and Google Drive, please allow pop-up windows, at least for the first time.

Disconnecting from Google Drive will disable attaching new files. But it will not delete existing attachments.


  • The interface for attaching files is provided by Google. If it does not display some files or folders in your Google Drive, we cannot help.
    • Alternatively, to bypass this, you could save the file's link from Google Drive as a Direct link.

Microsoft OneDrive integration

Microsoft OneDrive is a very convenient way for synchronizing your files between multiple devices while also keeping these in cloud storage. To attach files from OneDrive, first create an account at OneDrive. OneDrive software can be installed on your computer, but it is not required. Files can be uploaded at http://onedrive.live.com.

In order to use OneDrive for Business, external file sharing must be enabled at https://admin.onedrive.com/?v=SharingSettings:

Let users share SharePoint content with external users: Anyone, including anonymous users
Let users share OneDrive content with external users: Anyone, including anonymous users
Default sharing links: Anonymous access - anyone with the link
Links expire within: 0 days


Direct link

If your company uses local file storage (a vault or a file server), you can save direct internet links (URLs) to files, if these URLs are visible via the Internet. These files will be used by MRPeasy in the same way, as files that are selected from external cloud storage.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Copy the URL of your file.
  2. Where is the section for attaching files, click the blue button with the chain icon.
  3. In the opened field paste the URL.
  4. Save.

The only limitation is, that direct links to files cannot be used as a logo in PDF files. If this is needed, please sign up for any cloud storage, and upload the logo there.

Please note that the link must be a URL (a web address). You can check your file accessibility using your browser in incognito mode.

It is not possible to use paths to files in your local filesystem/network, e.g. "C:\...". Opening such a path is usually automatically blocked by web browsers because of security concerns.

So, to use direct links, your file server should be able to generate a URL link to the file, which you wish to access.

Can another user access what I have on my Google Drive / OneDrive / Dropbox?

With a Google Drive integration, all your users can access files in that account through the file picker in MRPeasy.

For other services, generally, others can only access files in the service through the file picker, if they log in to the same account on their computer.

  • Dropbox: everyone must separately sign in to a Dropbox account in their web browser to choose files.
  • Google Drive: a connection with one Google Drive account is established (at Settings -> System settings -> Integrations). All users in the MRPeasy account can choose files from this Google Drive account via the file picker in MRPeasy.
  • OneDrive (personal) - everyone must separately sign in to a OneDrive account in their web browser to choose files.
  • OneDrive (business) - everyone must separately sign in to a OneDrive account in their web browser. Directory rights are defined inside the company account.
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