Barcode System

The Barcode system functionality enables barcode reader support for MRPeasy, generation and printing barcodes from MRPeasy, and performing special functions after scanning a barcode.

The barcoding support can be enabled at Settings -> System settings -> Enterprise functions -> Barcodes.

When this functionality is enabled, then:

  • It is possible to generate various barcodes.
  • It is possible to scan barcodes, and according to the function and the scanned barcode, an action will take place: e.g. selection of an item, navigation to a software section, reporting of actions, etc.

Jump to:

  1. Demo video: Barcode system.
  2. Setting up:
    1. Implementing the Barcode System in your business. 
    2. Supported barcode scanners, and label printers.
    3. Enable and configure the Barcode System in MRPeasy.
  3. Usage:
    1. Print barcodes.
    2. Actions performed by scanning.
    3. Notes.
    4. Troubleshooting.

Implementing the Barcode System

  1. Start using MRPeasy without the Barcode System.
  2. When MRPeasy has successfully been taken into use in some area of the business, only then start with implementing barcoding in that area.
    • Barcoding helps to perform various actions more quickly.
    • Users must know what those actions are and how to perform those, before enlisting the help of barcoding.
  3. Read the documentation to learn about what features are available.
  4. Start experimenting and initial usage:
    • Print barcodes with your regular printer.
    • Perform actions using your phone camera as a scanner using the MRPeasy iOS/Android app.
  5. When experimenting is successful, and you want dedicated hardware (scanners, label printers, etc.), turn to your local barcoding hardware specialists.

Supported barcode readers and printers

  • Regarding the specific choice of label printers and scanners, please turn to your local specialists. 
    • Since MRPeasy is online software, and a barcode reader technically works as a keyboard, a barcode reader that is compatible with your device should work with MRPeasy.
    • Generally, the barcode readers can be connected via USB (for computers) or via Bluetooth (tablets, smartphones).
    • As MRPeasy generates PDFs, the label printer should be able to print PDFs.

Enabling and configuring the Barcode System

Demo video: Enabling barcodes.

For setting up barcodes in MRPeasy:

  1. Go to Settings -> System settings -> Enterprise functions
  2. Enable the functionality Barcodes: Yes.
  3. Select the type of barcode:
    • EAN-13, 1D barcode which will be used for your products if your products have a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) from GS1.
      • CODE128 will be used on other types of labels and documents.
    • UPC-A, 1D barcode which will be used for your products if your products have a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) from GS1.
      • CODE128 will be used on other types of labels and documents.
    • CODE128, a universal 1D barcode.
    • QR, a universal 2D barcode. More reliable if e.g. cellphone's or tablet's camera is used for scanning. 
  4. If you selected EAN-13 or UPC-A barcodes:
    • Select how barcodes are assigned to stock items:
      • Manually, by you.
      • Automatically, by MRPeasy.
    • If you selected automatic assignment, enter your manufacturer code - a prefix obtained from GS1 that consists of your country code and company code.
  5. Save the settings.
  6. If your products have specific EAN-13 or UPC-A barcodes that you need to assign:
    • Go to Stock -> Items -> Item details page, and add the barcode to the field "Barcode UPC-A/EAN-13".
    • Or upload these with the import items from CSV functionality.
  7. Regardless of your barcode type, if your vendors have EAN-13 or UPC-A barcodes:
    • You can use the vendor's barcodes if you fill in the item field "Barcode UPC-A/EAN-13" with the vendor's barcode of the item.
    • Now the system will recognize the items if you scan the barcode supplied by the vendor.
  8. Now you can:

Printing barcodes

Jump to:

  1. Printing barcodes on labels and documents.
  2. 1D barcode generator for items.

Labels and documents

Barcodes can be printed on the following labels and documents:

  1. Product/item labels.
    • If QR and CODE128 type barcodes are configured in system settings, they encode the Part number.
  2. Stock lot labels.
  3. Serial number labels.
  4. Storage location labels.
  5. Manufacturing Order labels.
  6. Manufacturing Order PDFs.
    • Manufacturing Order barcode: On all PDFs.
    • Sub-assembly materials barcode: On wide, medium, and worksheet PDFs.
    • Sub-assembly all operations barcode: On wide and worksheet PDFs.
    • Individual operation barcode: On wide and worksheet PDFs.
  7. Material requisition PDFs.
    • Manufacturing Order barcode.
    • Sub-assembly materials barcode.

Important notes:

1D barcode generator

On each item's details page at Stock -> Items -> Item details, it is possible to generate a page full of 1D barcodes with the "Print barcode" function:

  • EAN-13 or UPC-A type barcode will be generated if the corresponding type is selected in the system settings.
  • If CODE128 or QR type is selected in the system settings:
    • The barcode number will be taken from the item field "Barcode UPC-A/EAN-13".
    • CODE128 type barcode will be generated

Scanning barcodes

If the barcode is scanned, then the resulting action depends on the type of barcode you scanned and the page you are currently on. There could be several types of barcodes that can be scanned:

  1. Item barcode.
  2. Stock lot barcode.
  3. Storage location barcode.
  4. Serial number barcode.
  5. Manufacturing order barcodes.
  6. Notes.

Resulting actions for scanning item barcodes

Demo video: Item barcodes.

Scanning item barcodes
Scanning location Resulting action
Any item or product choice field The item is selected.
My production plan -> Manufacturing Order details

If the item is in the list of materials for this manufacturing order, the consume materials dialog box is opened. The quantity to consume must be entered. If more is consumed than booked, then the additional quantity is automatically booked from stock.

Stock -> Items The item is displayed.
Stock -> Stock lots All stock lots with this item are displayed.
Stock -> Shipments All shipments with this item are displayed.
Stock -> Shipments -> Shipment details The picking screen is opened, where it is possible to enter the quantity and confirm the picking of the item.
Stock -> Transfer orders -> Creating a new transfer order A new line with the item is added.
Stock -> Transfer Orders -> Transfer Order details The picking screen is opened, where it is possible to enter the quantity and confirm the picking of the item.
Stock -> Inventory The item is displayed.
Procurement -> Purchase orders All Purchase Orders with this item are displayed.

Resulting actions for scanning stock lot barcodes

Demo video: Stock lot barcodes.

Scanning stock lot barcodes
Scanning location Resulting action
My production plan -> Manufacturing Order details a) If the Stock lot is booked for this manufacturing order, the consume materials screen is opened for this lot. The quantity to consume must be confirmed.
b) If the stock lot is not booked for this manufacturing order, a notification is displayed.
Stock -> Transfer orders -> Creating a new transfer order A new line with the stock lot is added.
If the field "From" is empty, the site of the stock lot is selected.
Stock -> Transfer Orders -> Transfer Order details The picking screen is opened, where it is possible to enter the quantity and confirm the picking of the item.
Stock -> Stock lots -> Move stock item The stock lot is selected for moving.
Stock -> Shipments All shipments with items that are booked from this stock lot are displayed.
Stock -> Shipments -> Shipment details A picking screen is opening, where it is possible to enter the quantity and to confirm the shipment.
Any other page The stock lot details page is opened (Stock -> Stock lots -> Stock lot details).

Resulting actions for scanning storage location barcodes

Demo video: Storage location barcodes. 

Storage location barcodes enable quick reporting moving of items from one location to another. For example:

  1. Scan lot barcode.
  2. (Scan old location barcode, optionally.)
  3. Scan the new location barcode.
  4. Save.
Scanning storage location barcodes
Scanning location Resulting action
Stock -> Stock lots -> Stock lot details page a) If the stock lot is already located at this storage location, the Move product page is opened with a predefined Old place in the stock field (with the scanned storage location).
b) If the stock lot is not located at this storage location, the Move product page is opened with a predefined New place in the stock field (with the scanned storage location).
Stock -> Stock lots -> Move stock item a) If the Old place in the stock field contains a scanned storage location, this storage location is selected. I.e. this lot is already at this location.
b) If not, the scanned location is selected for the New place in the stock field.
Any other page The stock lots list at the storage location is opened (Stock -> Stock lots).

Resulting actions for scanning serial numbers

Scanning serial numbers
Scanning location Resulting action
Stock -> Stock lots -> Serial numbers The item serial number is saved.
Manufacturing Order -> Add a serial number for a product The product serial number is saved.
Manufacturing Order -> Serial number's details -> Parts The part serial number is linked to the product serial number.
My production plan -> Operation details -> Add a serial number for a product The product serial number is saved.
My production plan -> Operation details -> Serial number's details -> Parts The part serial number is linked to the product serial number.
Internet-kiosk -> Serial numbers -> Add serial number The product serial number is saved.
Internet-kiosk -> Serial numbers -> Serial number's parts The part serial number is linked to the product serial number.
Shipment -> Pick items -> Choose serial numbers The serial number is saved for the shipment.
Stock -> Transfer orders -> Creating a new Transfer Order A new line with the stock lot that contains this serial number is added.
If the field "From" is empty, the site of the stock lot is selected.
Any other page The serial number details page is opened (Stock -> Serial numbers -> Serial number details).

In order to use serial numbers:

Resulting actions for scanning Manufacturing Order (MO) barcodes

Demo video: Manufacturing order barcodes. 

Scanning general MO barcode (in the upper right corner of PDF)
Scanning location Resulting action
My production plan MO details page is opened at My production plan.
Internet-kiosk Only operations from this MO are displayed. Other operations are hidden.
Any other page. MO details page is opened at Production planning -> Manufacturing orders.
If the user has no rights for viewing Production planning but has rights for viewing My production plan or Internet-kiosk, the user is redirected accordingly.
Scanning sub-assembly barcode
Scanning location Resulting action
My production plan MO details page is opened at My production plan, the browser window is scrolled down to the sub-assembly.
Internet-kiosk Only operations for making the sub-assembly are displayed. Other operations are hidden.
Any other page MO details page is opened at Production planning -> Manufacturing orders, the browser window is scrolled down to the sub-assembly.
If the user has no rights for viewing Production planning but has rights for viewing My production plan or Internet-kiosk, the user is redirected accordingly.
Scanning manufacturing operation barcode
Scanning location Resulting action
My production plan MO details page is opened at My production plan, the browser window is scrolled down to the operation and it is highlighted.
Internet-kiosk Only operations for making the same sub-assembly are displayed. Other operations are hidden. The scanned operation is highlighted.
Any other page MO details page is opened at Production planning -> Manufacturing orders, the browser window is scrolled down to the operation and it is highlighted.
If the user has no rights for viewing Production planning but has rights for viewing My production plan or Internet-kiosk, the user is redirected accordingly.


  • If a barcode was scanned on a page with a table of entries, use the Clear Clear button to clear the filter and show the full list again.
  • If your web browser has the function "Search for text when I start typing," it should be turned off. Otherwise, the barcode scanner may not work correctly.
  • The values of barcodes generally do not only encode the specific object name, but also internal identifiers, and possibly other data. Data is separated by application identifiers (e.g., see:


  1. There is no reaction from the software when a barcode is scanned.
    One of the possible reasons is that the browser is out of focus. Please click with the mouse anyplace inside the page in MRPeasy, and then scan again.
  2. The page refreshes after a barcode is scanned.
    This may happen when a Bluetooth scanner wakes up after some time of inactivity. In this case, please scan the same barcode again.
  3. Reading a barcode from a computer screen failed.
    In case you are trying to read a barcode from a computer screen - then, yes, this is often unsuccessful, because the PDF viewers merge the small lines unless it is really zoomed in. QR codes may provide better results.
  4. The barcode is too dense (the label is small).
    If the printer's resolution is too small to properly print the barcode, you could try to:
    - increase the size of the barcode field size using the label editor;
    - increase the size of the label itself.
    If you cannot increase the label size or change the printer, then QR codes may provide better results.
  5. Scanning is unreliable in low light (or with a smartphone).
    Very good lighting conditions and a very good camera are needed to consistently get good scanning results with a camera. Try making the barcode bigger. QR codes may provide better results.


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