User Details

The user details page, accessible from Settings -> Human resources -> Users, shows the user's information and access rights.

This page allows:

  • defining the user's information,
  • assigning user access rights,
  • assigning the user into departments,
  • changing the password,
  • editing, deleting and restoring a user.

Jump to:

  1. Set up a new user.
  2. Set user access permissions.
  3. User's hourly wage for labor cost calculations.
  4. Access the internet-kiosk.
  5. User's departments.
  6. Change the password.
  7. Change the account administrator.
  8. Delete a user.
  9. Restore a deleted user.

Creating a new user

When creating a new user:

  1. Enter the user's E-mail, which will be used to sign in to MRPeasy.
  2. Enter the Password.
  3. Enter the Name.
  4. Set the access rights of the user:
  5. If this is a worker, optionally:
  6. Save.

Read also:

  1. How to add users to the free trial?
  2. How to add users to the subscription?

User access rights

User's access rights are defined by:

  1. The Resources, which is the list of the pages or functions the user can access.
  2. The Options, which define additional constraints and possibilities for the user.

These can be edited at Settings -> Human resources -> Users -> User details page. 
In the program, users will only see modules allowed by their user rights.

Access to resources

For each section/page or function of the software, it is possible to set if the user can

  • create,
  • read,
  • update, 
  • or delete

documents in that section.


  • Clicking on a row or a column title toggles all rights on that row or column.
  • It is possible to copy the access permissions from an existing user.
  • For accessing the Internet-kiosk give access rights to the "Internet-kiosk" only. The administrator cannot access it.

User options

Jump to:

  1. Hide costs and prices from the user.
  2. Give order approval rights.
  3. Lock handler.
  4. Limit the IP addresses the user can log in from.
  5. Enable two-factor authentication.
Hiding costs and prices

It is possible to prohibit the user from seeing costs/prices in certain parts of the software.

This can be done at Settings -> Human resources -> Users -> User details, by checking the appropriate checkboxes in the Options section.

Hide prices in procurement:

  • Hides all prices in the procurement section.

  • Does not allow the user to add new lines to existing POs.

Order approval

It is possible to give a user the right to approve orders (e.g. Purchase Orders, Manufacturing Orders) before these can be processed further.

This can be done at Settings -> Human resources -> Users -> User details, by checking the appropriate checkboxes in the Options section.

To use this, the Approval System functionality must be enabled.

Lock handler

The "Lock Handler" right can be assigned at Settings -> Human resources -> Users -> User details, by checking the Lock Handler checkbox in the Options section.

What is the "lock handler" right?

There might be situations where:

  1. several users try to update an entry at once. In this case, the first users get access to the data, and others are locked out until the first user saves the data. The problem arises, when the user is away from the computer or has forgotten to finish data entry, and others need to get access to finish data entry, or enter new data.
  2. sometimes when the user has navigated away from the entry, the lock might not be released (e.g. when the browser is closed without saving the data). In these cases, only the same user can edit this data.

To solve this problem there is a special user right that can be granted - the Lock handler:

  • If a user with that right tries to edit a blocked entry, a button Take lock is displayed next to the "entry locked" notification.
  • When a user clicks on the Take lock button, the old lock is canceled and the entry can be changed by this user.

Be careful using this feature! If the lock has been canceled, the original user will not be able to save his changes. When taking the lock, make sure that the other user is not in the middle of entering data.

Access limitation by IP address

It is possible to limit users' access points to certain allowed IPs only, e.g. your company's static IP address.

This can be done at Settings -> Human resources -> Users -> User details, by checking the Access limited checkbox in the Options section.

The Allowed IPs must be set at Settings -> Allowed IPs


  • Before using this function, consult your Internet Service Provider (ISP), if you have a static IP.
  • The Administrator user's access cannot be limited by IP addresses.
Two-factor authentication

It is possible to force the user to go through a two-step authorization when logging in. For configuring two-factor authentication:

  1. Install the Google Authenticator app on the user's phone who will use 2FA:
  2. Go to Settings -> Human resources and open the user details page.
  3. Enable Two-factor authentication (2FA) for the user and save changes.
  4. Click the link Show 2FA key".
  5. Open the Google Authenticator app.
  6. Click Begin setup or "+".
  7. Click Scan barcode and scan the QR code that is displayed,
    or click Manual entry.
  8. Enter the key to field Key.
  9. The account can be your MRPeasy username.
  10. Time-based must be turned on.

To use this, the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) must be enabled.

Hourly Wage

At Settings -> Human resources -> Users -> User details it is possible to enter the hourly wage of a worker, which will be taken into account when calculating production costs.

Since this is the total cost of the labor, this should include the total expenses of the worker, including taxes.

Departments of a user

A user can be added to departments in the Departments section on the user's details page at Settings -> Human resources -> User details.

A user can be in several departments at once.

Internet-kiosk mode

This mode is intended for reporting about the completion of production operations. It will be enabled only if all other rights are marked "No".

For accessing the Internet-kiosk:

  1. Create a new user at Settings -> Human resources -> Users -> User details.
  2. Give access rights to the "Internet-kiosk" only. 
  3. This user will see MRPeasy in kiosk mode.

Internet-kiosk users don't have a special price in MRPeasy, because of a general price drop after the 10th user.

Read: What is the internet-kiosk mode?

Changing the administrator of the account

Only one user can be marked as the administrator of the MRPeasy account.

The administrator is denoted by

  1. Italic font on the Settings -> Human resources -> Users section.
  2. The checked Admin checkbox on the user details page.

To change the administrator:

  1. Log in as the administrator.
  2. Go to Settings -> Human resources -> Users.
  3. Open the user details who you wish to assign as the new administrator.
  4. Check the Admin checkbox.
  5. Confirm.
  6. Save.

Notes about the administrator:

  • The administrator's e-mail should be a valid e-mail. This is the contact e-mail used by MRPeasy.
    • The e-mail is also shown on your company profile at Settings -> Account and billing -> Profile.
  • Only the administrator can:
    • Delete the MRPeasy account.
    • Change the administrator.
    • Use the "Forgot password?" feature to regain access to the MRPeasy account.
  • The administrator's user cannot be deleted.
  • The administrator will always have unrestricted access to the Settings -> Human resources -> Users section.
  • The administrator's access cannot be limited by IP address.

Changing the password of a user

Only users with "Update" rights to Settings -> Human Resources -> Users section can change user passwords.

Usually, it is the MRPeasy company administrator, who can edit the user's details page accessible.

To change the password:

  1. Go to Settings -> Human Resources -> Users.
  2. Open the user details.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  5. Enter the New Password.
  6. Enter Your password.
  7. Save.

Deleting users

You can delete a user at the user's details page accessible from Settings -> Human Resources -> Users.

To delete a user:

  1. Open the user details.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click Delete.

The account administrator cannot be deleted.

A deleted user is not completely deleted, but archived, and can be found by searching it from the list of users.

Restoring deleted users

To restore a deleted user:

  1. Find the user at Settings -> Human resources -> Users by username via search. (Deleted users are hidden by default, but can be searched for.)
  2. Open it.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  5. Click Restore.
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