Piece Payment

The Piece Payment functionality of MRPeasy allows defining that a worker is paid a fixed rate according to the number of processed pieces. MRPeasy tracks the associated labor cost, the piecework payroll, automatically.

  • How to enable piece work.
  • How to define a piece cost for operation.
  • How to disable labor cost calculation based on an hourly wage.

User Manual: Piece payment

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With the MRPeasy Professional edition, it is possible to manage piece payment to workers.

The “piece payment” functionality allows defining that a worker is paid a fixed rate according to the number of processed pieces.

To add a piece rate, open routing and enter the payment rate per piece into the “piece-payment“ field of operation.

When this function is enabled, then here you can also disable the time-payment calculation, if the workers hourly wage should not be considered for the labor cost calculation.

Enabling the “piece payment” functionality

The piece payment functionality can be enabled in the section “settings – system settings – professional functions.”

In this video, we described how to manage piece payment.

To learn more about MRPeasy, please see our other videos.

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Keywords: Piece work, piece payment, piecework payroll

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