How to insert sales orders?
In MRPeasy sales orders are called Customer Orders.
Go to the CRM section and click on the “+” button to create a new Customer Order (CO). COs keep all information regarding one order organized: the customer information, ordered items, bookings, related manufacturing orders, quotes and invoices, shipments.
Read more about customer orders.
What do the statuses of a Customer Order mean?
1. Initially, all orders that have been created and a quote has not been set up, will be in “Quotation” status.
2. Once the quote has been sent, the status has to be changed manually to “Waiting for confirmation”.
3. If the customer confirms, then the status has to be changed manually to “Confirmed”. If the customer doesn’t confirm, the status has to be changed manually to “Cancelled”.
4. If all items have been booked for the CO (via “Check stock and book items”), but the Manufacturing Orders are not in production, then the status changes automatically to “Waiting for production”.
5. If the production has started for the items ordered, the status changes automatically to “In production”.
6. Once production for all items has been finished, the status changes automatically to “Ready for shipment”.
7. Once all items have been shipped, the status changes automatically to “Shipped & Invoiced”. If this status is manually selected and shipments have not been made, ordered products are not taken off stock.
8. Once the items are received by the customer, the status has to be changed manually to “Delivered”. If this status is manually selected and shipments have not been made, ordered products are not taken off stock.
Read more about the statuses of customer orders.
Using different views, how can I overview my sales?
There are two views for Customer Orders: the table view and the funnel view (Can be switched from the top right of the Customer Orders table). The table view gives more details, but the funnel view gives a very good overview of the sales process.
The table view:
This is a very detailed view of all the orders. It allows for searching and filtering to find the correct information.
On top of the table, it is possible to choose whether to view either “Customer Orders” or ordered “Items”.
For example, if you want to see which orders of items are confirmed, then you can look at the “Items” view of the table and filter orders by status “Confirmed”. This gives you the list of items that need to be either produced, sold from stock or purchased.
The funnel view:
This is a very simple visual representation of current progress, which helps to make sure that the sales process is moving forward. All orders have to be worked from the left to the right.
Once an order is shipped and invoiced, it is not displayed in the funnel anymore.
Read more about representations of customer orders.
Where can I see a sales report by product sold with the cost?
Please go to CRM -> Customer orders and select "Items" view.
You can configure columns that you want to see and filter the report by any value (including product name, part number or period).
How to estimate prices and delivery time for a quote?
To estimate costs and dates:
- Open the Customer Order (CO).
- Click on Estimate costs and dates.
- Choose whether to take the material cost from stock or vendor.
- Enter your profit margin.
- Click on the Calculate costs and dates button.
The software will give you the estimated cost, price and availability date for every item that the customer ordered.
To create a quote:
- Go back. (Take note that the estimated prices have been saved to each item)
- On the CO, in the Invoices section, add a new invoice.
- Save the invoice, its type is quotation by default.
Read more about quotations.
How to send a quote?
- Open the Customer Order.
- Scroll to the Invoices section, click "+".
- Click save. (The type is Quotation by default.)
- To send the quotation:
- Click on Send e-mail. This will open your e-mail client with a pre-filled e-mail ready to be sent.
- Click on PDF for customer to download the PDF and then send it.
How can I add a 'Customer Order' in MRPeasy?
How to add salesmen who sell the products?
You can add users and define their access rights in Settings -> Human resources.
Read more about how to manage users.
What’s the process of working through a Customer Order to get correct stock transactions?
1. Create a CO
2. Book goods (“Check stock and book items”)
3. Create a shipment
4. Pick items in the shipment (“Pick all items"), once shipped.
NB! Stock Movements information is not updated when an invoice or a shipment is created, but only when items have been shipped (i.e. picked for the shipment).
How to ship products? How to get items off stock?
- Open the Customer Order.
- Scroll down to Shipments and click on "+" to add a new.
- Save the shipment.
- Click Pick all items or pick individually, and then confirm in the pop-up alert. This will take the items from stock and update the Shipment status to “Shipped”.
Along with this, the corresponding CO is updated to “Shipped & Invoiced”, if all items are now shipped for the CO.
Read more on how to ship products to customers.
Why some COs are not shown in Statistics?
It could happen because:
- items have not been booked; or
- a shipment has not been finalized; or
- the CO status is not marked as “Shipped & Invoiced” or “Delivered”.
(Take note that once all items have been shipped, the CO status automatically changes to “Shipped & Invoiced”)
Read more about CRM Statistics.
I have created a Customer Order, the assembly is available and in stock. I set the CO to delivered, however the item still shows in stock although booked against the CO. How do I finish the CO completely?
Please create a shipment and pick all items.
Read more how to ship products to customers.
See also "How to ship products? How to get items off stock?"
Where can I enter sales forecasts?
Forecasts are located in Procurement -> Forecasting. This functionality is used for planning purchases and manufacturing based on the entered sales forecast.
Please see the question "Can a forecast be loaded on a specific date, e.g. 1000 pcs in September, so that MRPeasy generates purchase requisitions?"
How to raise purchasing or manufacturing requirements from a Customer Order?
To raise a purchase or a manufacturing requirement from a sales order, you need to open the Customer Order (CO):
- Click on “Check stock and book items”;
- Click on “To book items”;
- Confirm.
This will do the following:
- It will try to book requested items from stock, if available;
- If not available, then
- if it’s a manufacturing item, it will raise a manufacturing requirement (unless you allow the software to create manufacturing orders automatically);
- if it’s a purchased item, it will raise a purchase requirement (unless you allow the software to create purchase orders automatically).
You will see the manufacturing and purchasing requirements in “Stock -> Critical on-hand”. The purchase requirements are also shown in “Procurement -> Critical on-hand” and "Procurement -> Requirements".
If you do not see the requirements, then you need to set the “Reorder point” value for the articles, at least as 0.
Purchasing needs for materials are raised only when a Manufacturing Order is scheduled.
Here’s a video that might be helpful for understanding how to work with sales orders (Customer Orders):
Please also see the answer to "How do I know what materials I need to purchase?"
Customer Order Number on Invoices
Is it possible to have the Customer Order number show up on the Invoices? Our customers are struggling to match the customer order and the Invoice.
Yes, it is possible.
Please go to Settings -> System settings -> PDF editor -> Edit -> Layouts: Invoices and turn ON field "Order".
After that customer order's number will be printed in the invoice PDF.
When creating a customer order what is the best way of adding a service (transportation cost)?
To charge for shipping, consultation, design, and other services, our customers usually use the following approach:
- Create a new regular stock item "delivery" (as procured), quantity 100000 (any big), cost zero (or your real cost, see below).
- Choose the unit of measure, for example, km, hour, etc.
- Add this item to customer orders and/or invoices with your real price.
- For separating these items from inventory items, please create a separate product group.
In this way:
- You will be able to charge your customers and get statistics of provided services during a period from item reports.
- If the item has a cost (for example, shipping that you order from a vendor of yours), this allows linking customer orders with purchase orders and thus allocating costs towards particular customer orders
About an alternative option read here.